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Although it's now January, Christmas isn't over for Destiny players as more teasing news has come from the world of Destiny with another vague and cryptic tweet from Bungie concerning their “small but legendary” Christmas gift. They first teased us on December 26th with Deej tweeting us with
Holiday gifts are scheduled for delivery in January. No one is missing out the Cryptarch's good cheer.
— DeeJ (@DeeJ_BNG) December 26, 2014
But today, on 12th Night, after a short delay due to the Christmas XBOX and PlayStation outages we heard this from Bungie themselves.
A small, but Legendary token of gratitude is being prepped for delivery later this week. We'll let you know when to check the Postmaster.
— Bungie (@Bungie) January 6, 2015
There's been a lot of speculation over what this could be from DLC to a new sparrow or ghost shell, but Bungie were keeping pretty tight lipped until just now when we heard this.
Lots of Qs about the holiday gift. No Bjallarhorns. No need to decrypt, either, though we're sure some gifts will be swiftly dismantled.
— Bungie (@Bungie) January 6, 2015
To me, this suggests a weapon or armour of some description, but we'll be left speculating for now until the big day when Scrooge McCryptarch drops the gift on us. But it seems that Destiny players are not quite done with the Christmas gifts just yet.