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TV and Movies
Unlikely Gaming Movies Announced

Sometimes we get news stories that make you shake your head, mutter "What the fuck?" and shake your head once again in total disbelief. Today is slightly different, for today you'll probably read this and be following that WTF mantra for the next couple of weeks. 

In news stranger than finding out Kim Jong Un has been playing a massive practical joke on us all, and North Korea is actually the most liberal state on the planet, we have new gaming movies to tell you about. But, dear reader they're not what you expect. There's no Uncharted - The Movie. There's no GTA - The Movie. And no, we won't be catching Fallout - The Movie either. But we are going to be subject to a couple of gaming classics from years gone by in the form of Centipede and Missile Command. Both films are said to be in early development in a partnership with Atari, Emmet, Furla, and Oasis Films. And will be released over a course of two years.

But that's not the really insane WTF bit. It gets a little crazier.

It's also been announced that Tetris, (yes Tetris) will be getting a movie too. It's just been given $80 million in investment from an as yet unannounced Chinese studio , and is billed as being a "Scifi Epic" with a Chinese cast for Chinese audiences. 

And that's not it. The movie is said to be a part of a trilogy of films. We can only guess (and mockingly hope) that they'll be called "Tetris Begins", "Dark Block" and "Dark Block Drops". But whatever they are, they can't be anywhere near as bad as Battleship. 

We'll have more news on this as we get it. And I really wish it were a joke, but apparently, this is going to happen.