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It's that special time of month again where I get up off my lazy arse and have a poke around the good ol' intertubes to find you a musical gem for song of the month, and this month the power of advertising did my job for me.
Over here in the good old U of K we had an advert back at the turn of the year for Rimmel which featured the music of the wonderfully monickered Dirt Box Disco. Their song was the pumpng punk rock masterpiece in the background, and as chance would have it while catching up on DVR recordings from months ago this song crossed my path just as I needed to get myself into gear to find October's song of the month. Some call it fate, some call it laziness. I prefer fate as I'm disabled, not lazy, but anyway, here it is in all its glory for your ears to enjoy.
Check the band out over at http://www.dirtboxdisco.co.uk/ where you can also see the advert for yourself too.
And of course, go check out their social media loveliness on Facebook and Twitter.
You can check out the video below and hear it now too.