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As I have been finally able to get around to sort upload and write an article about the new music at Vans Warped Tour 14'... aka Im one serious lazy ass. Check out My encounters with MC Chris and a bunch of awesome groups I checked out at the warped tour this summer!!
After deciding not to amass into the large crowd of "why the fuck are we lining up at the door for nothing" I waited at my car to enter Vans, with no purpose. Well in reality I had a purpose and that was to see MC Chris, I Fight Dragons, and Breathe Carolina, who happened to be one of the last bands.
My brother happened to also be there but, alas I was alone and roamed through the venue and came acoss a ton of new artists which I will showcase here.
A rapper and producer from Chicago, but immediately I thought she was british. She had a definite fresh sound.
I just happened past this stage and was blown away by the awesome electronic boom that was Antiserum.
Jackknife Stiletto
Rocker trio from New York. Definitely rocking the stage. I nearly flipped over their cover of "Mother Mother", seriously love that song.
We are the in Crowd
American Pop Punk band from New York. Ive played them onair before. I love their sound.
MC Chris
We all know MC Chris. Totally fresh and awesome rapper. And even nicer guy! He was taking donations for a cause and a kid came up a donated about 60$ so that MC Chris would paint on his face. Crazy stuff.
I Fight Dragons
Rock with chiptunes band from Chicago. I play these awesome guys alot when I can, and they are awesome about favoriting my tweets when I tweet about them. These guys were so nice when I met them.
Breathe Carolina
Electronicore band from Colorado, the finale of Vans and the main reason I came. Such a great show and I am always a fan of electronicore. Lets just say... this is where i flipped my shit.
If you've never heard of any of these bands, check them out, or even ask me to play them on air. They are seriously some awesome stuff.
Signing off.
-DJ Pixyl