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Interview with Newegg at PAXEast 2017


I caught up with Jim from Newegg again this year at PAXEast 2017. We talked about some of the products he was showcasing including the HTC Vive! Check out the interview below! 

My Interview with Jim from Newegg!


The HTC Vive is a virtual reality adjustable headset with multiple eye relief adjustments, including lens distance and IPD, to make Vive comfortable and clear. It includes wireless controllers designed specifically for VR which makes interactions with objects natural and intuitive. There are currently over 500 games available for the HTC Vive on SteamVR. You can purchase the HTC Vive on the Newegg site here!


Arizona Sunshine is the VR game I was able to demo on the HTC Vive before my interview. It is a post-apocalytic zombie game for the VR with Myst like elements. It was extremely fun to play on the HTC Vive especially when you get those head shots. It is available on SteamVR for 39.99$.