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Better Off Alone
Alice Deejay
Wasabi is really a turtle.
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iOS 6.1 Released


Apple has released their latest installment of their handheld devices operating system, adding a few new features, expanding others and incorporating quite a few security fixes.


More precicesly, in the 6.1 version of the operating system, available since January 28 and being pushed gradually to all compatible devices you can expect to find these improvements:


  • LTE support for more carriers (complete list of supported carriers at www.apple.com/iphone/LTE/)
  • Purchase movie tickets through Fandango with Siri (USA only)
  • iTunes Match subscribers can now download individual songs from iCloud
  • New button to reset the Advertising Identifier


As always, unless you like living on the edge, Split Infinity Radio suggests that you wait a while before you upgrade to 6.1, as prior experience has shown that quite a few blocking bugs might emerge with each new installment (such as the iOS 6.0 wi-fi issue that has rendered quite a few iPhones and iPads useless in the connectivity department).