Wasabi is on-air
Now playing:
Familiar Taste of Poison
Wasabi is sad his revolution failed. But one day...
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Never fry bacon nekkid
My location:
Mid West USA
My birthday is on:
21st of November

My first time on the siradio airwaves:
Sunday, 13 January 2008
A little something about me:
someday i will update this, or pay Pixyl to do it for me.
When it comes to music I like:
rock, rap, mashups, variety
The games I'm into:
Stardew Valley, Terraria, Minecraft, Fallout 4, Skyrim, RDR 1 and 2, Left4Dead, and Borderlands
I like to fill my belly with:
I've got a cunning plan:
I never make plans...
Split Infinity Radio