Wasabi is on-air
Now playing:
Right Here, Right Now
Jesus Jones
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NeinMillimeter (Active)
I like Pie
My location:
Muskegon Michigan USA
My birthday is on:
8th of June

My first time on the siradio airwaves:
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
A little something about me:
I plan to dominate the internet one tasty jam at a time! I just enjoy kicking back and playing some games and hanging with my friends. I'm a simple man blessed with many friends.
When it comes to music I like:
EDM, Rock/Metal
The games I'm into:
FPS, RTS, PC games
I like to fill my belly with:
Cheeseburger and Root Beer
I've got a cunning plan:
I never make plans...
Split Infinity Radio