Wasabi is on-air
Now playing:
Perfect Feeling (Sarah Silverman vs. Black Eyed Peas)
Wasabi will eventually take over the world by sheer force of will.
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aMUSiC (Founder)
...through nature's inflexible grace, I'm learning to live...
My location:
Athens, Greece
My birthday is on:
3rd of April

My first time on the siradio airwaves:
Wednesday, 14 December 2005
A little something about me:
Most people around here call me the "bossman". And that's probably because I founded and own this place.

I've been running online radio stations for quite a while, way before Split Infinity Radio, however they were miniscule and short lived.

You can catch me on-air on Mondays and Wednesdays running the WTF Show. A show that it's designed to make you wonder at least once: "Just WTF is this guy on, and most importantly.. why am I not getting some?".. or your money back!
When it comes to music I like:
I listen to and play a boatload of music. I've got a sweet tooth for Progressive Metal, and I absolutely hate Rap, Hip-Hop and Greek Pop music.
The games I'm into:
EVE Online, League of Legends, Adventures, Quake 3 Arena, Minecraft
I like to fill my belly with:
Beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer beer
I've got a cunning plan:
I'm constantly trying to improve Split Infinity Radio, on all the aspects that my hand can reach. This usually means the tech side... but I do other things too.. true story!
My facebook page:
Split Infinity Radio
This week I'm on...
..a break
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