Creepiz is on-air
Now playing:
Call Me A Dog
Temple Of The Dog
Creepiz can not walk in heels without falling down.
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Spellfire (On-Air DJ / IRC Ambassador)
The world may belong to those that are grounded in reality, those that can dream aren't nearly so limited
My location:
Whitby first stop for Dracula in England
My birthday is on:
16th of November

My first time on the siradio airwaves:
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
A little something about me:
Im a computer obsessed gothic geek I actually was voted biggest geek in England by a late night computer tv program called bits

I have a vampire obsession as well but don't take it as far as some (one of my friends actually likes to drink blood I draw the line quite a bit earlier than that)

I sometimes sing on my shows particularly if people request it the way I look at it is I may not be a good singer but Im singing along at home so why not hit the mic button if people want to hear it

I repeat Im not a good singer you have been warned
My favorite colour is purple
When it comes to music I like:
gothic rock metal 80s
The games I'm into:
I'm a boring person. I don't like games...
I like to fill my belly with:
mums pizza and iron bru
I've got a cunning plan:
me have a plan Im not that organised
I guess to get a terrabyte of storage space (that would be cool)
My facebook page:
Is imaginary...
Split Infinity Radio